Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Digital Caricature - Singer C.Ashwath

C.Ashwath is legend in Kannada "Bhavageethe" (expressive music). Always delightful to listen to his high pitched songs - so much soulful 🙏🏾 , did this for Caricature Contest

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cartoon - Who is more dangerous ?

It was painful to see the headline of the news - let alone reading the whole details. You know there is sinking feeling inside you see when someone OR something which is close to you is hurt ? Every time i read the news I get that sinking feel. So, apparently an elephant wandered off the forest and came into a town seeking food and some person seems to have fed a pineapple laced with cracker - which injured the elephant fatally. The elephant hurt in mouth seems to have immersed into water to save itself from flies attacking the injury only to succumb to the injury and die later - whats more disheartening is the elephant was Pregnant 😞